our Story
14 years ago, two friends sat down for lunch with the vision of an early childhood music program that was meaningful, engaging, and pedagogically sound. We scribbled notes on the back of serviettes, registered a business name and launched a concept that has brought joy to hundreds of children and their families and started many students on the path of high quality music tuition, scholarships, prizes and music teaching careers. Little Stars Music is deeply rooted in Suzuki philosophy and adheres to the 7 principles of Early Childhood Education.
Unsurprisingly for two Suzuki instrumental teachers, our plans were in alignment with the Suzuki model of early childhood music, so one sunny day we attended a professional development to further our learning, and fell completely in love with Suzuki music all over again.
Our Classes
Little Stars Music offers weekly mixed age group classes of approximately 45 minutes in duration. We keep our class sizes small to ensure a personal and focussed learning experience for your child and introduce a range of concepts via rhyme, song, movement based activities, finger play, storytelling and other play based activities. Props including puppets, scarves, streamers and ribbons bring activities to life while high quality xylophones, drums, shakers, triangles, woodblocks and other percussion give children a hands-on music making experience.
Mixed-age Grouping
Mixed-age classes are a hallmark of our program and the create a family-style feel to the classes. We believe young children learn best from imitating and observing other children and adults. A class where every child is the same age is of little benefit to any child! However, in a mixed-age environment, older children benefit from assuming a leadership role and being "experts", while younger children have appealing and accessible role models. In this environment, every child's ability will develop successfully and naturally.
The Class Environment
We like to keep our learning environment as calm, clutter free and simple as possible. Parents and children are welcomed into our space quietly and calmly -a few quiet words, a smile or a quick wave. We ask that you remove both you and your child’s shoes and leave them with any other belongings in the foyer or at one end of the classroom. We are a snack-free environment in order to protect our children with allergies and our equipment.
Our curriculum is designed to meet very specific educational and developmental goals. Each activity has a specific purpose or learning outcome and classes have a certain flow about them to enable every child to concentrate, create and play while learning in a very rich environment. While the activities change from term to term, the core repertoire stays the same to ensure children feel ‘safe’ and comfortable with their ‘special music songs’. When children know what to expect we are able to extend and enrich the learning experience beyond simple tasks.